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Neutron Science Community Roadmap 2024

Update of Swiss Community Needs for Research Infrastructures 2029-2032

This document is an update to the Neutron Science Community Roadmap published in 2021. It presents the needs of the Swiss neutron science community in terms of future national and international research infrastructures.

Neutron Science Community Roadmap 2024

Together with similar Community Roadmaps in other disciplines, it is an element of the four-year process leading to the development of the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2027 to be written by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) in view of the ERI Dispatch 2029–2032 to the Federal Council. The role of these ‘bottom-up’ inputs is to serve as an important basis for the strategic planning of the higher education institutions on new or major upgrades to national infrastructures and to inform and support SERI during its decision-making process on Swiss participation in international research infrastructure networks and organisations.

Edition / Bande : Swiss Academies Reports 19 (13)
Pages : 40
Numéro standard : DOI: doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14265028


  • Infrastructure de recherche


Société Suisse de la Science Neutronique (SSSN)
Paul Scherrer Institute
5232 Villigen
