La physique des particules explore les briques élémentaires de la matière et leurs interactions, qui déterminent la structure et les propriétés de la matière dans l'univers. Le portail web rend ces recherches fascinantes compréhensibles pour un public intéressé.en plus

Image : ESO, R. Fosburyen plus

CHIPP winter school of particle physics

16—21 January 2022 | Adelboden, Switzerland


19:00 - 14:00

Lieu de l'événement

the cambrian hotel, adelboden

Website: Venue: The Cambrian Hotel

CHIPP Winter School 2022 photo
Image : CHIPP, Switzerland

The Swiss Institute for Particle Physics (CHIPP) hosts an annual winter school based on the activities of the swiss institutes involved in particle and astro-particle physics. The purpose of the school is to offer young physicists an opportunity to learn about recent advances in elementary-particle physics from local and world-leading researchers. The school program includes lectures on accelerator and non-accelerator particle physics (detectors, LHC physics, neutrinos, astrophysics, flavor physics) from an experimental and phenomenological perspective.

CHIPP Winter school 2022 poster NEW
CHIPP Winter school 2022 poster NEWImage : CHIPP, Switzerland


  • Physique des particules élémentaires


Dr Angela Benelli
Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN)
Esplanade des Particules 1
1217 Meyrin

Langues : Anglais