La physique des particules explore les briques élémentaires de la matière et leurs interactions, qui déterminent la structure et les propriétés de la matière dans l'univers. Le portail web rend ces recherches fascinantes compréhensibles pour un public intéressé.en plus

Image : ESO, R. Fosburyen plus

L'actualité des particules

Événements, Annonces, Publications

Members of the Magnet Group, sitting atop the first unit of the PS combined-function magnet. The picture was taken at the Institute of Physics of Geneva University, as CERN was still a muddy construction site at that time. All these people have now retired, but all of the magnets are still pulsing away. Front row (left to right): R.Tinguely, C.Germain, G.Plass, D.Neet, Raad, M.Cavallaro, K.H.Reich, G.Kuhn, J.Nilsson, C.A.Ramm, Paillard. Second row: L.Resegotti, M.Niklaus, C.J.Zilverschoon, R.Bertolotto, Marcellin, G.Brianti, P.Collet. Standing behind: B.Kuiper.

CERN and Switzerland: Seven decades of close collaboration and some lesser-known facts

2024 is the year that CERN turns 70. Its close connection to Switzerland is no secret, after all the confederation is one of the lab’s host countries and heavily involved

Image : CERN
CHIPP Winter School 2025 poster

CHIPP PhD Winter School of Particle Physics 2025

The Swiss Institute for Particle Physics (CHIPP) hosts an annual winter school based on the activities of the swiss institutes involved in particle and astro-particle physics. The purpose of the

Image : CHIPP
Zahlen und Formeln (Symbolbild)

Piles of pile-up data turned to good use

Researcher Steven Schramm and his team from the University of Geneva have found a way to make use of the unloved and unwanted extra-stuff from the collisions of the ATLAS

Image : denisismagilov,
Gabriela Araujo, she also competes in science communication contests like Famelab

CHIPP prize 2024: When physics comes to life

Congratulations to Gabriela Rodrigues Araujo, this year’s winner of the CHIPP prize for the best thesis in particle physics! Gabriela is a neutrino explorer – exploring those events whose particular

Image : Gabriela Araujo
Illustration of the upgraded neutrino production devices

Neutrino experiment comes back to life

Good news from the “T2K” neutrino experiment project in Japan: it has started taking data again at the end of last year after an extensive upgrade of its neutrino beam

Image : J-PARC/Rey.Hori

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