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Image : Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionen plus

SGM 2024: Symposium «Hydrology and Hydrogeology»

Lieu de l'événement

Universität Basel
Petersplatz 1
4051 Basel

As part of this year’s Swiss Geoscience Meeting theme on «The Anthropocene – Past, Present and Future», the convenors of the Session «Hydrology and Hydrogeology» would like to particularly encourage contributions that explore hydrological and hydrogeological at all spatial and temporal scales as well as contributions demonstrating interdisciplinary approaches. Furthermore, Early Career researchers can apply for the SSHL-SGHL Poster Award.

ruisseau vallée rivière eau
Image : M. Bolliger

Processes in the hydrosphere vary greatly across spatial and temporal scales. Understanding, monitoring and modelling the diversity and similarity of these processes is still a significant ongoing challenge for research and water management, in Switzerland and globally. Thus, the session welcomes contributions dealing with hydrology and hydrogeology at all spatial and temporal scales, which can range from work at pore scale to catchment scale or global scale, and processes occurring at the scale of a few minutes, hours or years. Contributions demonstrating interdisciplinary approaches, such as groundwater-surface water interactions, are encouraged.

The Hydrology and Hydrogeology session is expected to share its poster session with the session 14 «Limnology and Oceanography» to foster an integrated perspective of the water resource.

The SSHL-SGHL offers two prizes (250 francs each) for posters presented at the SGM. Posters must be on display at the SGM poster session for evaluation by the jury.

Early Career researchers (PHD and Master students) can apply for the SSHL-SGHL Poster Award. Together with the decision on your abstract, the SSHL-SGHL will send you an application form by e-mail.

Deadline for the Award application: 1 November 2024


  • Anthropocène
  • Eaux souterraines
  • Hydrogéologie
  • Hydrologie

Soumission d'un abstract


For further information visit the website of the 22nd Swiss Geoscience Meeting.
Langues : Anglais