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Image : Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionen plus

Dark matter under Black Hills

Thanks to new arrival Björn Penning, the University of Zurich is now a member of another epic dark matter experiment.

Drives like these connect the two main shafts using the old lorry system
Image : Google photo

Deep beneath the Black Hills in the USA, scientists are using a highly sensitive detector to search for dark matter. Since the start of the year, the University of Zurich joined the programme through its new professor Björn Penning. This means that Zurich is now involved in both leading dark matter experiments, and there are already plans for the future...

for the full article: link

Björn Penning, a new addition to the UZH team
Björn Penning, a new addition to the UZH teamImage : Gina Gibson (BHSU - Black Hills State University)


  • Physique des particules élémentaires