The State of Science Communication in Switzerland
Report and recommendations of the Expert Group “Communicating Sciences and Arts in Times of Digital Media” of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
Science communication and public engagement with science have repeatedly been called for in recent years – particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first comprehensive assessment report on science communication in Switzerland highlights positive aspects of the Swiss situation, like the strong public support for science and the wide range of formats that are available for science-society dialogue. But it also identifies challenges, like the insufficient support for researchers who communicate with the public, the erosion of science journalism, or the dissemination of dis- and misinformation on social media.
The expert group report is based on a comprehensive review of the available interdisciplinary scholarship analyzing science communication and public engagement with science in Switzerland. Selectively, the report also incorporates original data, international findings, and secondary analyses where little or no published scholarly work was available. A first draft of the report was externally evaluated via pre-publication public review of preprint chapters on the “Open Science Framework” repository. A second draft of the report was sent out for pre-publication peer review to four internationally renowned scholars with expertise in science communication and public engagement who are familiar with the Swiss situation.
Swiss Academies Reports
- Biology Community Roadmap 2024
- Chemistry Community Roadmap 2024
- Geosciences Community Roadmap 2024
- CHIPP Community Roadmap 2024
- Astronomy Community Roadmap 2024
- Space Research Community Roadmap 2024
- Photon Science Community Roadmap 2024
- Neutron Science Community Roadmap 2024
- Le rôle des matériaux critiques dans la transition énergétique
- Sur la voie du succès : Les technologies à ARN en médecine et en agriculture
- RNA technologies: mechanisms of action, applications and forms of delivery
- Lighthouse Programmes in Sustainability Research and Innovation
- L'Arctique sous pression
- Swiss Energy System 2050: Pathways to Net Zero CO2 and Security of Supply
- Système énergétique suisse 2050 (rapport de synthèse) : pistes pour assurer le « zéro émission nette » de CO2 et la sécurité de l’approvisionnement
- Astronomy Roadmap
- Le rôle de la science dans la réponse politique suisse à la pandémie de Covid-19
- Diversité des insectes en Suisse
- The State of Science Communication in Switzerland
- Biology Roadmap
- Chemistry Roadmap
- Geosciences Roadmap
- Photon Science Roadmap
- CHIPP Roadmap
- Neutron Science Roadmap
- Livre blanc de la radiochimie en Suisse
- Priority Themes for Swiss Sustainability Research
- National significance of natural history collections in Switzerland
- A Conflict Sensitive Approach to Field Research – Doing Any Better?
- Recherche biologique, potentiel d’abus et biosûreté
- Coup de projecteur sur le climat suisse
- Utilization of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge in academic research
- Agreement on Access and Benefit-sharing for Academic Research
- Mit Wissenschaft die Politik erreichen
- Baromètre de la relève MINT en Suisse
- Un avenir pour les voies de communication historiques du Saint-Gothard
- Nachhaltiger Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen
- L'eau en Suisse - un aperçu
- Kreislaufwirtschaft - Die Bewirtschaftung natürlicher Ressourcen
- Les plantes cultivées génétiquement modifiées et leur importance pour une agriculture durable en Suisse
- Lösungsansätze für die Schweiz im Konfliktfeld erneuerbare Energien und Raumnutzung
- Repenser l'énergie