IPCC AR7: Information event on work plan and how to contribute
ProClim, in support of the Federal Office for the Environment, organises an information event for the wider scientific community and interested parties to learn more about the IPCC’s new assessment cycle. Register by 11 March 2024 by sending an email to proclim@scnat.ch.

Very recently, the IPCC agreed on the work plan for the seventh assessment cycle (AR7), running until 2029.
ProClim, in support of the Federal Office for the Environment, organizes an information event for the wider scientific community and interested parties to learn more about the IPCC’s new assessment cycle. In particular, we will show possibilities for scientists and experts to participate in AR7 and we will allow for space and time to talk to former and/or active Swiss authors and experts, in various roles in the IPCC.
The event will take place on 18 March, 10 – 13.00 in Bern (online streaming available, without possibility for intervention).
About the new AR7 work plan:
From 16-19 January, in Istanbul, IPCC member governments agreed to produce the three Working Group contributions to the Seventh Assessment Report, namely the Working Group I report on the Physical Science Basis, the Working Group II report on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability and the Working Group III report on Mitigation of Climate Change. The Synthesis Report of the Seventh Assessment Report will be produced after the completion of the Working Group reports and released by late 2029.
The schedule reflects the interest of member governments in getting policy-relevant, timely and actionable scientific information as soon as possible and providing input to the 2028 second Global Stocktake of the UNFCCC. Moreover, there is a notable emphasis on adaptation to climate change.
In addition to the three Working Group and the Synthesis Report the panel decided (partly already during the previous cycle) to produce
- a Special Report on Climate Change and Cities
- a Methodology Report on Short-lived Climate Forcers
- a Methodology Report on Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
- a revision of the 1994 IPCC Technical Guidelines on impacts and adaptation as well as adaptation indicators, metrics and guidelines (together with WGII).

ProClim − Forum sur le climat et les changements globaux (ProClim)
Maison des Académies
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3001 Berne