Le portail Web «SCNAT savoir» sert d’orientation. L'Académie suisse des sciences naturelles (SCNAT) et son réseau établissent l'état des connaissances sur la base de résultats scientifiques solides et en référence à la Suisse à l'attention de la politique, de l'administration, des affaires, de la science et de la pratique.en plus

Image : Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionen plus

Swiss IPBES Info-meeting, 3rd of March 2015, Bern

Lieu de l'événement

Universität Bern
Altenbergrain 21
3013 Bern

Tuesday, 03.03.2015, 13:30 till 17:00, Institute of Plant Sciences (IPS) and Botanical Garden, Altenbergrain 23, Bern, Switzerland



13:30 José Romero, FOEN: Opening

13:40 IPBES secretariat: Introduction to IPBES workprogramme 2014-18

14:00 Markus Fischer, University of Bern: Open calls of IPBES
- Call for experts: regional assessment for Europe and Central Asia and crosscutting thematic assessments (invasives, sustainable use of biodiversity)
- Call for experts: thematic assessment of land degradation and restoration
- Call for experts: scoping of global assessment

14:45 Questions on IPBES and its open calls

15:00-15:30 Coffee break in the greenhouse

15:30 Eva Spehn, Forum Biodiversity, SCNAT: How to get involved in IPBES:
- Nomination as an expert by Switzerland
- Different roles within IPBES for experts: authors, lead and coordinating lead authors, reviewers, stakeholders

15:45 Gian-Kasper Plattner, IPCC TSU WGI coordinator, Univ. of Bern: Experiences from IPCC

16:10 Thomas Brooks, IUCN: IPBES Stakeholder engagement strategy

16:30 Eva Spehn, Forum Biodiversity, SCNAT: IPBES CH platform and communication concept

16:45 Sarah Pearson Perret, FOEN: What infos would policy need and how to use and implement IPBES results in Switzerland?

17:00 end

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Langues : Anglais