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SCS Spring Meeting 2016

«Green Chemistry»


09:00 - 17:30

Lieu de l'événement

University of Zurich, Irchel Campus
Winterthurerstr. 190
8057 Zurich

The SCS Spring Meeting is a one day symposium and provides a high quality program with national and international speakers of a certain topic. It is also the platform for the Werner Price Ceremony and the Werner Award Lecture.

Pic SCS Spring Meeting 2016

Confirmed Speakers:
Prof. Paul T. Anastas, Yale University
Prof. Paul J. Dyson, EPF Lausanne
Prof. Walter Leitner, RWTH Aachen
Prof. Martyn Poliakoff, University of Nottingham
Thomas Güttinger, BASF Schweiz AG

Picture: - Pogonici



  • UZH
    Anorganisch-chemisches Institut
    Winterthurerstrasse 190
    8057 Zurich

  • David Spichiger
    Société suisse de chimie (SSC)
    Maison des Académies
    Case postale
    3001 Berne

The participation is free of charge. Registration required.
As a general rule the Society holds its general assembly during the lunch break.
Langues : Anglais