Policy making for sustainability
Parallele Session am Sustainability Science Forum 2022 – Shaping Research for our Future
Synergies and trade-offs between sustainability goals are of central importance for sustainable development - also and especially in the context of the 2030 Agenda. Building on the workshop "The hard problem: Interdependencies between sustainability goals” convened at last year’s Sustainability Science Forum, this workshop aims at a better understanding of the relevance of synergies and trade-offs in the policy process as well as of opportunities and limitations to address them effectively.

How can interdependencies between sustainability goals be effectively considered in the policy-making process // can systemic policy integration succeed in the policy process? What approaches and tools are available to political-administrative and other decision-makers? How are they embedded in and what are the prerequisites and conditions for their (successful) application in the policy process? Based on existing scientific knowledge, the workshop will explore with practitioners how to build capacities for dealing with goal interdependencies. It will also develop perspectives for future transdisciplinary research on the application of systemic approaches to integrative policy design.
13:45 Welcome words
Basil Bornemann, University of Basel
13:50 Input presentation: Ernährungszukunft Schweiz
Carole Küng, SDSN Switzerland
14:00 Input presentation: Engage - Evidence-based dialogue on trade-offs in wicked societal problems
Christian Stamm, Eawag
14:10 Observations by the moderator
Points of contact, differences & similarities
14:20 Plenary discussion
14:55 Last round
What are your take-home messages?
15:00 End of the session
Basil Bornemann, University of Basel
Eva Lieberherr, ETH Zürich
Dr. Anja Bretzler
Groupe de pilotage de la recherche sur le développement durable
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne