De nombreuses disciplines scientifiques traitent du cours du temps dans la nature. Une connaissance précise des saisons est importante pour l'agriculture, la recherche météorologique et climatique, l'écologie, la médecine et le tourisme. Ce portail Web offre de nombreux faits intéressants sur le sujet.en plus

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From "Periodical Observations" to "Anthochronology" and "Phenology" - the scientific debate between Adolphe Quetelet and Charles Morren on the origin of the word "Phenology"

Mankind has observed and documented life cycle stages of plants and animals for a long time. However, it was comparatively recently that the newly emerging science was given its name. The name of Charles Morren and the year 1853 are being cited, although not frequently. Exact information is hardly known among present-day phenologists, yet new evidence shows that the term “phenology” was already in use in 1849.

From "Periodical Observations" to "Anthochronology" and "Phenology" - the scientific debate between Adolphe Quetelet and Charles Morren on the origin of the word "Phenology"
Image : Gaston R. Demarée, This Rutishauser

Auteurs : Dr This Rutishauser


  • Phénologie