Ce portail web donne accès à une compilation de méthodes et d'outils visant à faciliter la collaboration entre expert·e·s et parties prenantes issu·e·s de la science et de la pratique, afin de répondre aux défis sociétaux à la fois réels et propres à chaque contexte.en plus

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Compilations on research in teams

Team Science Toolkit

What’s the purpose?The Team Science Toolkit is a compilation of resources supporting research in teams. It is a user generated searchable annotated bibliography. Search terms include ‘tools’, ‘measures’ as well as ‘team performance’, ‘institutional support’ or ‘community engagement’. Resources cover a wide range from peer-reviewed to grey literature, training modules, software, toolboxes, to job announcements and funding opportunities.
Who provides the compilation?The National Cancer Institute at the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, USA
How does it differ from td-net’s compilation?The Team Science Toolkit is much lager in scope and collects a wide range of resources to support inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching. It provides tools and methods for co-producing knowledge, but this is only one of the aims. Also, it serves as annotated bibliography and not as a compilation of methods.


What’s the purpose?Teamscience.net is an online introduction to the challenges of team collaboration in four modules. The first introduces the science of team science, the other three modules guide through the team science research process in behavioural science, basic medical science, and clinical medical science. The modules provide plenty of information in form of text, graphs, slideshows and expert statements.
Who provides the compilation?The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (NUCATS), Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
How does it differ from td-net’s compilation?The modules address collaboration in teams per se but also the collaboration of different disciplines. They are not focussed on methods and do not target stakeholder engagement.