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Where Society, Science and Politics Create Solutions

Lieu de l'événement


SDSN Switzerland Launch Conference

Mensch (Symbolbild)
Image : Robert_Kneschke, stock.adobe.com

The Conference officially launches the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Switzerland. It brings together around 250 representatives and decision-makers from science and research, think tanks, government, civil society, business and international organizations to discuss how to effectively implement the 17 SDGs in and by Switzerland.

The Conference aims at the following:

- ​Analyzing the opportunities and challenges for Switzerland around the Agenda 2030
​- Deepening the understanding of transformation processes towards sustainability
​- Connecting representatives across the science-policy-society spectrum to catalyze transdisciplinary collaboration on sustainable development solutions

Find out more about the programme


  • Transdisciplinarité
Langues : Anglais