De nombreuses disciplines scientifiques traitent du cours du temps dans la nature. Une connaissance précise des saisons est importante pour l'agriculture, la recherche météorologique et climatique, l'écologie, la médecine et le tourisme. Ce portail Web offre de nombreux faits intéressants sur le sujet.en plus

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Taking Action Now – how does applied research address the food and climate emergency?


14:00 - 18:00

The HAFL Hugo P. Cecchini Institute for International Cooperation and Development second annual event will focus on two pressing and closely interlinked challenges – the food and climate emergency. It will explore how the activities and applied research of the Cecchini Institute and its partners address this global emergency.

Image : HAFL Bern

BFH-HAFL’s and partners' contribution to the UN Food Systems Summit 2021

Organised partly in three parallel sessions, the theme of the event will be aligned with the Action Tracks of the UN Food Systems Summit and allow for discussion of topics such as:

  • sustainable agricultural, agroforestry and food production systems
  • value chains, markets and food economics
  • the role of sustainable consumption patterns
  • livelihoods
  • vulnerabilities and resilience in times of crisis, emergency and urgency.

Keynote speaker

Dr Lynnette M. Neufeld, Director, Knowledge Leadership at GAIN Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition.


With the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, this annual meeting will be hosted in a mixed hybrid format to allow for maximum participation, thereby also embracing currently emerging future ways of collaboration.

Further information and registration

Conference Website
