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In honor of Daniel Bernoulli: Stachelschützenhaus becomes historic EPS site


14:30 - 19:00

Lieu de l'événement

St. Johanns-Ring 27
4056 Basel

Daniel Bernoulli (1700 - 1782) is honored for his contributions to physics. The original site of his research in Basel, the Physical Cabinet in the Stachelschützenhaus, becomes a "historical site" of the European Physical Society.

Daniel Bernoulli
Image : ETH Bibliothek

Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) was professor of physics in Basel from 1750 to 1776. He achieved fundamental advances in hydrodynamics, such as the "Bernoulli Principle". He was also a pioneer in mathematical physics. He published 74 papers and received 10 prizes from the Grande Académie de Paris for topics in astronomy, physics, and applications to nautical problems.

Bernoulli's predecessor as physics professor at the University of Basel, Benedict Staehelin (1695-1750), had amassed a collection of physical devices and instruments that he had acquired for demonstration purposes. These pieces were placed in the "Physikalisches Kabinett" - the south wing of the Stachelschützenhaus, built in 1729. Bernoulli added many more apparatuses for his researches and lectures on physics - among them the experiment for "Demonstration of the Hydrostatic Paradox", which shows that the pressure in a liquid is independent of the shape of the vessel and depends only on the height of the liquid column.

This place, where Daniel Bernoulli worked, researched and gave his public experimental physics lectures for a quarter of a century, now becomes an "EPS Historic Site".

Program, Friday, September 22nd, 2023

Lecture Hall 1, University of Basel, Entrance St. Johanns Ring 27

14:30 Tea, Coffee, Cookies in the Foyer

15:00 Welcome Address

15:15 Anne Pawsey (EPS Secretary General): The EPS Historic Sites project

15:30 Martin Mattmüller (Bernoulli-Euler Gesellschaft): Daniel Bernoulli and his Physical Cabinet

16:15 Stephan Rosswog (University of Hamburg and Stockholm University): Astrophysical Gasdynamics and Bernoulli’s Theorem in Fluid Dynamics

17:15 Walk to the Stachelschützenhaus

At the Stachelschützenhaus and in the Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 10 and 1

17:30 Rainer Gosert and Klaudia Nägele (Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital Basel): Present activities in clinical virology in the Stachelschützenhaus

17:45 Unveiling of the EPS Historic Site plaque

18:00 Apero in the Kollegienhaus (during the apero – from 18:00 to 18:30 - it is possible to visit the Stachelschützenhaus in small groups of 6-8 persons)

19:00 End of Event
