L'eau est une ressource d'importance centrale. Le portail web traite dans un language compréhensible les aspects hydrologiques, sociétaux, écologiques et de la gestion des eaux sont traités ici.en plus

Image : thomasfuer, photocase.deen plus

Confronting water scarcity and drought

Water resources across Europe

Teaser: Confronting water scarcity and drought

A new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) confirms that in many parts of Europe water use is unsustainable and provides recommendations for a new approach to managing water resources.
Until now, most Europeans have been insulated from the social, economic and environmental impacts of severe water shortages. But as demand increases and the global climate changes, is Europe becoming more susceptible?


  • Effets
  • Effets climatiques
  • Effets du changement climatique
  • Europe
  • Gestion des eaux