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Image : Sebastian,

Call for papers: Innovation Pathways to Sustainability in Mountains

How can innovation contribute to sustainability in mountains? Mountain Research and Development invites papers that asses innovation processes, examine innovation practices, or provide agendas for policy, action, or research.

Call for papers: Innovation Pathways to Sustainability in Mountains
Image : Photo by Juan Xiong; Source: Grumbine RE, Xu J. 2021. Mountain futures: Pursuing innovative adaptations in coupled social–ecological systems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19(6):342–348.
  • What are the characteristics, processes, and impacts of innovation in mountain areas around the world?
  • How do socioeconomic, institutional, technological, scientific, and other types of innovation promote or undermine sustainable development in mountains?

Mountain Research and Development invites systematic assessments of innovation processes or action research, case studies and meta-analyses of trends in innovation practices and outcomes, as well as review-based agendas for future innovation policy, action, or research.

Submission of notices of intent by 31 May 2024
Submission of full papers by 1 October 2024

Read the detailed call for papers

Website Mountain Research and Development
