The “SCNAT knowledge” web portal provides guidance. The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) and its network report the state of knowledge, based on sound scientific findings and in regards to Switzerland – for the attention of politics, administration, business, science and practice.more

Image: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionmore

SwissForestLab Science Day


Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL
Zürcherstrasse 111 8903 Birmensdorf Engler-/Flurysaal

During this event the research of junior and senior scientists within the SwissForestLab will be highlighted and networking and collaboration will be fostered.

Flyer SwissForestLab
Image: SwissForestLab, WSL

The event will begin with three keynote lectures covering the three central research topics of the SwissForestLab, namely

  • (1) biodiversity and ecosystem functioning;
  • (2) land-use change and long-term legacies;
  • (3) climate change effects on forest ecosystems.

Short workshops will allow for deepening these topics and develop further project and cooperation ideas. Moreover, in short talks and a poster session research highlights of scientists, groups and institutions will be presented.



Poster submission
Poster abstracts submission: 31.08.2018

Registration deadline: 30.10.2018

60 CHF for meals and coffee
Languages: English