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Bild: Tobias Günther, SNSF Scientific Image Competitionmehr

Call for papers: Symposium on mountains as contexts for global change

18th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, 6 - 7 November 2020, Zurich

CIRM, MRI, and FoLAP are organizing a symposium on the challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinary mountain research. We welcome contributions from all fields of study.

Bild Symposium
Bild: FoLAP

Mountain regions offer concrete contexts through which challenges and opportunities of global change are experienced, perceived and enacted. The complex interactions between diverse biophysical and socio-economic processes of change call for an integrated systems approach to not only understand these challenges, but also identify key opportunities. Combining knowledge streams across the natural and social sciences, accounting for the complexity of social-ecological interactions, are increasingly called for in mountain research as a response to this call.

This symposium aims at offering a space to showcase research conducted in mountain areas that address these topics, discuss such challenges as well as identify emerging new avenues for research and collaboration among natural and social scientists dealing with global change issues in mountain regions. Contributions are welcome from all fields of study. Submission deadline: 21 August 2020.

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